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Apr 11, 2017

Growlanser Original Sound Tracks

BGM composed by Noriyuki Iwadare Details Lyrics

01 光の翼~male version [OP #1]
02 光の翼~female version [OP #2]
03 the beginning [MENU title screen]
04 who are you? [PP 王都ローザリア, MYCITY]
05 Ruise [THEME ruise]
06 loops of fields [ROADS]
07 witchcraft university [PP 魔法学院]
08 Rolandia [PP ローランディア王城, ラージン砦]
09 removal [BT]
10 the battle end 1 [BT victory]
11 postwar [BT results]
12 take me with you [PP コムスプリングス, シュッツベルグ, バーンシュタイン王都, etc.]
13 Misha [THEME misha]
14 the Sabbath day
15 creeping scary's [PP 旧鉱道]
16 in the cave [DG caves]
17 can't go back [BT event]
18 she's gone
19 mystic sequence [PP フェザーランド, 魔水晶採掘場]
20 Imperial-Knights [THEME burnshutain's imperial knights]
21 Burnshutain [PP バーンシュタイン王城]
22 suspicious eyes [EVENT crisis]
23 Jurian [THEME jurian]
24 sneak into the town
25 depth of mist [DG フェザリアン遺跡, growshian dungeons]
26 time is now! [BT event]
27 the battle end 2 [BT victory]
28 Ranzack [PP ランザック王城]
29 walking down the street [PP グランシル, ランザック王都]
30 a short piece of violin [EVENT]
31 the sunset [EVENT]
32 is there my home? [PP ブローニュ村, メディス村, クレイン村]
33 complicated device
34 close to the edge [BT event]
35 silent decision
36 Kalen [THEME karen]
37 alone
38 taste of blood [DG フライシェベルグ]
39 Venzuel [THEME venzern][DG 時空制御塔 outside /new]
40 love theme of GROWLANSER
41 the theme of GROWLANSER [OP chara intro][DG 時空制御塔 top floor /new]
42 the last stage [DG 時空制御塔]
43 urgent [EVENT crisis]
44 Gevel [THEME gevel]
45 immortal enemy [BT vs last boss]
46 when our eyes met... [ED epilogue]
47 far away [ED staff roll]

note: psp remake has 6 new tracks (2 OP, 1 ED, and 3 BGM for the new route)