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Jan 21, 2016

Treasure Hunter G Original Sound Track

BGM composed by John Pee, Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masaharu Iwata, etc. Details None

101 ジェミニウイング --Gemini wing [TITLE screen]
102 はまりら はひひ --Hamarira hahihi [Intro #2]
103 赤っ恥大三郎が行く! --Daizaburo got embarrassed! [Intro #1][ED staff roll]
104 私の田舎町 --My country town [PP rulue]
105 いざ、出陣! --Now, Off we go! [EVENT towards ilat's cave, dr.hello's mogura machine]
106 世界の洞窟から1 --Through a cave of the world 1 [DG ilat's cave]
107 "なんかやばいっすよ" --"It's something dangerous" [EVENT crisis][BT J.Red]
108 我が故郷、父不在(予告編) --Our hometown, without a father (Preview) [PP tania]
109 GO! GO! Kids [BT]
110 勝利の美酒 --The drink of victory [BT victory]
111 誘いの町 --Town of temptations [PP sevia]
112 汝、今何時? --Dost thou know the time? [THEME church]
113 ピアノ上達レベル1 --Piano practice level 1
114 ピアノ上達レベル2 --Piano practice level 2
115 ピアノ上達レベル3 --Piano practice level 3
116 ピアノ上達レベル4 --Piano practice level 4
117 Theme From "YAMASAN" [EVENT rain]
118 至急、現場に急行せよ. --Hurry up, rush to the spot. [EVENT rulue on fire]
119 Come Here! I defend you [EVENT rulue after fire]
120 ポンガのバイオリン演奏 --Ponga plays violin [EVENT ponga's violin]
121 森林浴1 --Forest bathing 1 [DG forest with crystal]
122 我が故郷、父不在 --Our hometown, without a father [PP tania]
123 冒険部屋で何を想う --What do you think in this room?
124 天下取ったる! --Let me take the reins! [EVENT after hel's defeat, ironbird]
125 師範達の晩歌 --Vespers of the instructors [EVENT learn technique]
126 動かざること山の如し --Still as the mountain [DG mt.abnova]
127 これまた修業なり --In pursuit of knowlegde [PP majin no tou #1]
128 "九九もおぼえたよ" --"I learned my multiplications too" [EVENT learn technique]
129 魔人と呼ばれて幾歳月 --Long time no hear this word [PP majin no tou #2]
130 おねむの罠 --Beddy-byes [THEME night]
131 愛がほしい(予告編) --In need of love (Preview) [BT vs Hel]
132 落武者狩り --Hunt of the defeated [BT game over]
133 粋な港町 --Beautiful harbor [PP golgobna]
134 "寄ってかない?" --"Why don't you come closer?" [THEME bar]
135 赤組がんばれ! 白組がんばれ! --GO! GO! Red team, GO! GO! White team [MiniGame "Kaeru Casino"]
136 "女はね、ムード作りが大事なの! --"For women, mood is important!" [EVENT on the roof]
137 世界の洞窟から2 --Through a cave of the world 2 [DG herman's pit, colobockle's cave]
138 拾得物着服 --In one's rucksack [THEME ooparts]
139 森林浴2 --Forest bathing 2 [DG forest without crystal]
140 この猫、どこの猫 --Where's the cat? [DG nekomori]
141 男は褌 --Fundoshi for men [THEME whale sailing]
142 はりりりりぃぃぃぃ --Haririririiiii [PP colobockle island]
143 DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! [THEME colobockle dance]
144 愛のボサノバ --Love's bossa nova [PP accras]
145 "組織には逆らえねぇ" --"Can't go against the rules" [DG accras sewer]
146 我が人生悔い無し --My life with no regret [THEME whale]
147 マッドサイエンス --Mad Science [DG tower of babel]
148 狂った猛獣 --Franken beasts [EVENT out-of-control robots]
149 世界の洞窟から3 --Through a cave of the world 3 [DG hello underground way]
150 ピラミッド調査団御一行様 --Pyramid research group [PP pyramid surroundings]
151 むるろわーん --Mururowah [DG small & great pyramids]

201 DEMI_HUMANばとる --DEMI_HUMAN BATTLE [BT vs hel's spirit, dracul lalacu, manipulator, fenrir]
202 "歌うっきゃないっしょ" --"Singing is our only solution" [EVENT song to calm ghosts]
203 おきらく ごきらく --Happy-go-lucky [PP aroch castle]
204 王妃の"待って" --The Queen's "wait" [EVENT queen catch up before leaving]
205 "ええ話や ううっ" --"It's a nice story... ugh" [EVENT queen]
206 カメザムライ登場 --Enter the turtle samurai [THEME kamezamurai]
207 いろいろあって西へ --So much to discover in the west [PP herm, unoi, ruecle]
208 死んでいる町 --Dead town [PP rulue after fire]
209 備中高松城の水攻め --Flood in bicchu takamatsu castle [EVENT flooding]
210 世界の洞窟から4 --Through a cave of the world 4 [DG underground city]
211 残された活路 --Remaining means of survival [PP lavy]
212 悲しき自由 --Sad freedom [PP atlantis]
213 翼の乙女 --Winged maiden [THEME winged maiden]
214 愛の逃飛行 --Love's flight [EVENT escape from babel with ironbird]
215 密漁船とロシア警備艇 --Poaching boat & Russian guardship [BT vs humble eater, cockatrice, hresvelg]
216 代表取締役 --Undisputed master [THEME yamiou][DG yggdrasil's castle]
217 元カゴナール --Former tanka master [BT vs yamiou #1]
218 死ぬかもしんない --Probable death [BT vs yamiou #2]
219 演歌見習い --Novice in enka [EVENT seal broken]
220 演歌の帝王 --Emperor of enka [BT vs jormungand]
221 雨の長浜岬 --Nagahama cape in the rain [MENU data load]
222 ACROSS THE WORLD [world map]
223 ジェミニウイング --Gemini wing
224 はまりら はひひ --Hamarira hahihi
225 赤っ恥大三郎が行く! --Daizaburo got embarrassed!
226 GO! GO! Kids
227 男は褌 --Fundoshi for men
228 むるろわーん --Mururowah
230 密漁船とロシア警備艇 --Poaching boat & Russian guardship
231 元カゴナール --Former tanka master
232 死ぬかもしんない --Probable death
233 演歌見習い --Novice in enka
234 演歌の帝王 --Emperor of enka
235 雨の長浜岬 --Nagahama cape in the rain