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May 21, 2015

THE LEGEND OF HEROES -Zero / Ao no Kiseki- Original Soundtrack

BGM by Falcom Sound Team jdk


101 ––– way of life -Opening Version-
––– 101 way of life -ZERO NO KISEKI opening version-
102 102 街角の風景 --Streetscape [PP Crossbell]
103 103 C.S.P.D. -クロスベル警察- / -Crossbell Police- [PP Crossbell C.S.P.D.] *** AO
104 104 ジオフロント --Geo Front [DG Geo Front] *** SEN II
105 105 Get Over The Barrier! [BT] *** SEN II
106 106 これが俺たちの力だ! --This is Our Force! [BT results]
107 107 特務支援課 --Special Support Section [PP Crossbell S.S.S.]
108 108 明日は明日の風が吹く --Tomorrow is Another Day [Crossbell "Old Town"] *** AO
109 109 TRINITY [THEME testaments][PP Crossbell "Back Street"] *** AO
110 110 IGNIS [THEME sabelviper] *** AO
111 111 点と線 --Points and Lines [EVENT] *** AO
112 112 On The Green Road [FIELD Road -> Tangram Gate]
113 113 片手にはレモネード --Lemonade in One Hand [FIELD Road -> Armorica]
114 114 アルモリカ村 --Armorica Village [PP Armorica Village]
115 115 クロスベルの午後 --Afternoon in Crossbell [PP Crossbell] *** AO
116 116 水と草木と青い空 --Water, Plants, Blue Sky [FIELD Road -> St.Ursula]
117 117 Arrest The Criminal [BT majuu]
118 118 リベールからの風 --A Breeze From Liberl [THEME estelle & joshua] *** AO
119 119 聖ウルスラ医科大学 --St.Ursula Medical College [PP St.Ursula Medical College]
120 120 木霊の道 --Echoing Path [FIELD Road -> Mainz] *** AO
121 121 鉱山町マインツ --Mainz [PP Mainz] *** AO
122 122 七耀の煌き --Septian Sparkle [DG Mainz Mine]
123 123 大国に挟まれて --In the Buffer Zone [PP Tangram Gate & Bellguard Gate]
201 124 Arc-en-ciel [PP Crossbell "Entertainment District"] *** AO
202 125 ルバーチェ商会 --Revache & Co. [THEME Revache & Co.] *** AO
203 126 黒月貿易公司 --Heiyue Trade Company [THEME Heiyue Trade Company] *** AO, SEN IV
204 127 Terminal Room [PP Crossbell "IBC" B5]
205 128 忘れられし幻夢の狭間 --Into Forgotten Dreams [DG The Tower of Stargaze] *** AO
––– 129 way of life -ZERO NO KISEKI Evolution- (Less Vocal)

206 201 金の太陽、銀の月 陽の熱情 --Passion of the Sun [act.1]
207 202 金の太陽、銀の月 月の慕情 --Love of the Moon [act.2]
208 203 金の太陽、銀の月 童心 --Naivete [act.3]
209 204 金の太陽、銀の月 運命の刻 --Fateful Moment [act.4-1]
210 205 金の太陽、銀の月 譲れぬ想い --Unyielding Feelings [act.4-2]
211 206 金の太陽、銀の月 幾千の夜を越えて --Through a Thousand Nights [act.4-3]
212 207 金の太陽、銀の月 夜明け~大団円 --Dawn ~ Finale
213 208 創立記念祭 --The Founding Commemoration [PP Crossbell ch.3-1/4]
214 209 風船と紙吹雪 --Balloons and Confetti [PP Crossbell ch.3-2/3]
215 210 一触即発 --Explosive Situation [EVENT]
216 211 Foolish Gig [EVENT] *** AO
217 212 Intense Chase [BT mafia, old town race]
218 213 Underground Kids [THEME yona] *** SEN IV, Tokyo Xanadu ep.4
219 214 Limit Break [EVENT tio in ibc B5, in geo front a] *** AO --MiniGame Pom-tto!
220 215 鉄橋を越えて --Alongside the Railroad [FIELD Road -> Bellguard Gate] *** AO
221 216 危地 --Danger [EVENT]
222 217 Formidable Enemy [BT boss]
223 218 Stand Up Battle Formation Again! [BT pinch]
224 219 想い破れて... --Wiped Out... [BT game  over]
225 220 パラダイスミ☆ --Paradise [PP Michelam]
226 221 黒の競売会 --Schwarz Auction [PP Michelam "Chairman Hartman's Mansion"] *** AO
227 222 守り抜く意志 ---Will to Protect till the End [DG Chairman Hartman's Mansion]
301 223 降水確率10% --Probability of Precipitation 10% [THEME kea][TITLE EXTRA mode]
302 224 クロスベル大聖堂 --Crossbell Cathedral [PP Crossbell Cathedral] *** AO, HAJI --L1
303 225 鳴るはずのない鐘 --Unforeseen Chime [DG The Temple of Moon]
304 226 During Mission Accomplishment [EVENT]
305 227 柔らかな心 --Tender Heart [EVENT] *** AO
––– 228 way of life -unknown version-

306 301 その背中を見つめて --Look On My Back [THEME memories] *** AO --GAME OVER
307 302 Killing Bear [DG Revache & Co.]
308 303 古の鼓動 --The Ancient Beat [DG The Ancient Battlefield] *** AO
309 304 叡智への誘い --Invitation to Wisdom [DG St.Ursula Medical College's Research Building] *** AO
310 305 Demonic Drive [BT earnest, garcia][EVENT]
311 306 Gnosis [EVENT]
312 307 夜景に霞む星空 --The Stars Eclipsed by the Night [THEME night] *** AO
313 308 響きあう心 --Heart in Harmony *** AO
314 309 いつかきっと --Someday Surely [EVENT]
315 310 Inevitable Struggle [BT yin, garcia, ibc consecutive battles, last boss #1] *** AO
316 311 揺るぎない強さ --Steady Strength [THEME arios]
317 312 Get Over The Barrier! -Roaring Version- [MOVIE] *** AO
318 313 A Light Illuminating The Depths [DG The Fort of Sun]
319 314 踏み出す勇気 --Brave Enough to Step Forward [EVENT before last boss #2]
320 315 Arrival Existence [BT last boss #2]
321 316 とどいた想い --Fulfilled Feelings [EVENT renne, estelle & joshua]
322 317 それぞれの明日 --To Each His Tomorrow [Epilogue]
323 ––– 新しき日々~予兆 --New Days ~ Omen [STAFF ROLL]
––– 318 新しき日々 --New Days
––– 319 セルリアンブルーの恋 --Cerulean Blue no Koi
––– 320 予兆 --Omen
324 321 零の軌跡 --Zero no Kiseki [TITLE menu]
325 ––– way of life [OP -Full Size-]
––– 322 way of life -ZERO NO KISEKI Evolution-
––– 323 セルリアンブルーの恋 --Cerulean Blue no Koi (Less Vocal)

ZERO NO KISEKI Super Arrange Version

01 Inevitable Struggle *** AO --BT knox prison, michelam, majin wald
02 ゼロノキセキ --Zero no Kiseki *** AO --EVENT after last boss
03 Police!
04 イツカキット --Someday Surely
05 Arrivederci!
06 ユルギナイツヨサ --Steady Strength *** AO --EVENT after knox prison, before white aeon battle
07 Formidable Enemy
08 Intense Chase
09 A Light Illuminating The Depths *** AO --EVENT merkabah
10 Get Over The Barrier! -silent devotion- *** AO --EVENT before last boss
11 To be continued! *** AO --EVENT terrorist attack, red constellation attack
12 Inevitable Struggle -demo version-


101 ––– 碧い軌跡 Aoi Kiseki -Opening size-
––– 101 碧き願い --Aoki Negai -Opening size-
102 102 Dの残影 --D's Remains [DG The Site of Altair Lodge]
103 103 Seize The Truth! [BT]
104 104 Concentrate All Firepower!! [BT majin earnest, mid boss, monster-in-a-box]
105 105 新たなる日常 --New Daily Life [PP Crossbell]
106 106 木洩れ日の中の静寂 --Silence Between the Leaves [FIELD Road -> C.P.S.]
107 107 Exhilarating Ride [TRAIN Altair -> Tangram -> Crossbell, CAR, BOAT]
108 108 ポムりますか? --Wanna Play with Pom? [MiniGame Pom-tto! menu]
109 109 ポムっと! -お花見団子の逆襲- / Pom-tto! -Triadic Counterattack- [MiniGame Pom-tto!]
110 110 異変の兆し --Signs of a Disaster [DG The Old Mine]
111 111 Mythtic Roar [BT shin majin earnest, genjuu]
112 112 西ゼムリア通商会議 --West Zemlya Trade Conference [EVENT press, conference]
113 113 オルキスタワー --Orchis Tower [PP Crossbell "Orchis Tower"][MOVIE presentation]
114 114 大都市に潜む罠 --Traps Hidden in the Great City [DG Geo Front]
115 115 Fateful Confrontation -ポムっと! Ver.- [MiniGame Pom-tto! VS Campanella]
116 116 不穏 --Disquiet [DG Geo Front D][EVENT press, conference]
117 117 Conflicting Passions [BT boss, wald, dubarry]
118 118 束の間の休息 --Momentary Repose [PP Michelam "Lake Beach"]
119 119 ミシュラムワンダーランド --Michelam Wonder Land [PP Michelam "Wonder Land"]
120 120 エリィ絶叫コースター --Elie's Thrill Ride [MiniGame Horror Coaster][BT] *** SEN IV
121 121 ささやかな晩餐 --Little Dinner [EVENT michelam guest house]
122 122 Strange Feel [PP Michelam "Fool's Wonder Land"]
––– 123 琥珀の愛 Hum Ver.
––– 124 琥珀の愛 Piano Ver.
––– 125 陰謀 --Conspiracy
––– 126 執行者 --Legion

123 201 動き始めた事態 --The Situation Has Evolved [EVENT]
124 202 暴魔の呼び声 --Call for Clash [EVENT]
125 203 Destruction Impulse [BT majin wald, shirley, red constellation]
126 204 全てを識るもの --Pantomath [DG Marshland of Blue, genjuu place][EVENT]
127 205 鋼鉄の咆哮 -死線- / Roar of Steel -Deadlock- [BT sigmund at ibc] *** SEN
128 206 Unexpected Emergency [BT red constellation hounds]
129 207 乗り越えるべき壁 --Ought to Get Over the Barrier [EVENT merkabah and patel mattel in dire straits] *** HAJI
130 208 Miss You [THEME randy]
131 ––– 小さな英雄 -オルゴール- / Tiny Hero -Music Box- [ITEM elie's orgel]
132 ––– TOWER OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH -Jukebox- [ITEM randy's jukebox]
201 209 星降る夜に --On a Starry Night [MiniGame shuri's training]
––– 210 予兆 --Omen [EVENT]
202 211 猛き獣たち --Beasts of Prey [THEME red constellation]
203 212 Catastrophe [MOVIE ibc bombing]
204 213 突きつけられた現実 --Imposed Reality [EVENT after bells]
205 214 それぞれの正義 --To Each His Justice [EVENT about crossbell's independence]
206 215 昏き玉座 --The Dark Throne [EVENT geo front energy, after white aeon battle]
207 216 鋼鉄の咆哮 -脅威- / Roar of Steel -Threat- [EVENT garrelia fortress attacks]
208 217 千年の妄執 --Millennial Obsession [THEME mariabell]
209 218 碧き雫 Aoki Shizuku [TITLE menu][EVENT after crossbell's barrier]
210 219 神機降臨 --Advent of the Aeons [EVENT aeons appear, red and blue aeons attack]
211 220 振われる奇蹟 --Exposed Miracle [EVENT white aeon attacks][BT white aeon]
––– 221 小さな英雄 -オルゴール- / Tiny Hero -Music Box-
––– 223 碧き願い --Aoki Negai -Full Size-

212 301 天の車 --Merkabah [PP Merkabah] *** SEN IV
213 302 偽りの楽土を越えて --Through a False Paradise [DG all roads]
214 303 犠牲の先の希望 --Hope Before Sacrifice [PP Crossbell last chapter]
215 304 月下の想い --Feelings in the Moonlight [EVENT]
216 305 揺れ動く心 --Trembling Heart
217 306 想い、辿り着く場所 --Feelings, Finally Expressed [EVENT after red and blue aeons are defeated]
218 307 Mystic Core [DG Orchis Tower][EVENT]
219 308 予定外の奇蹟 --Unexpected Miracle [EVENT last dungeon appears]
220 309 最果ての樹 --The Farthest Tree [DG Tree of Azure]
221 310 雨の日の真実 --Truth on a Rainy Day [PP Crossbell in the rain]
222 311 Unfathomed Force [BT campanella, arianrhod, sigmund, mariabell] *** SEN III
223 312 The Azure Arbitrator [BT last boss]
224 313 本当の絆 --True Bonds [EVENT world of zero]
225 314 それでも僕らは。 --Just as We are. [STAFF ROLL]
226 ––– 碧い軌跡 Aoi Kiseki
––– 315 I pray for you -アオイキセキ-
––– 316 碧き願い --Aoki Negai (Less Vocal)
––– 317 I pray for you -アオイキセキ- (Less Vocal)

May 4, 2015

THE LEGEND OF HEROES -Sora no Kiseki Series- Original Soundtrack

BGM by Falcom Sound Team jdk


101 ––– 空の軌跡 --Sora no Kiseki [OP]
––– 101 空の軌跡 --Sora no Kiseki -Opening size-
102 102 星の在り処 --HOSHI NO ARIKA (Harmonica short Ver.) [EVENT] *** SC / 3rd
103 103 旅立ちの小径 --Path to Departure [PP The Bright House][EVENT] *** SC / 3rd
104 104 地方都市ロレント --Rolent City [PP Rolent] *** SC
105 105 Rock on the Road [DG mountain path, Malga Mine] *** SC / 3rd
106 106 Sophisticated Fight [BT]
107 107 撃破!! --Overcome!! [BT victory] *** SC
108 108 四輪の塔 --Tetracyclic Towers [DG The Tower of Esmelas/Amberl/Saphirl/Carnelia][EVENT] *** SC / 3rd
109 109 月明りの下で --In the Moon's Light [THEME night] *** SC / 3rd
110 110 陽だまりにて和む猫 --Soothing in the Sunlight [Ravennue/Magnolia/Elmo Village, Mercia Orphanage][EVENT] *** SC / 3rd
111 111 Secret Green Passage [DG Mistwald, Erbe] *** SC / 3rd
112 112 胸の中に --Into One's Heart [EVENT] *** SC / 3rd
113 113 リベールの歩き方 --Trails of Liberl [FIELD roads] *** 3rd
114 114 商業都市ボース --Bose City [PP Bose] *** 3rd
115 115 国境警備も楽じゃない --No Fun to Be a Border Guard [PP frontier gates, Air-Letten] *** SC
116 ––– 琥珀の愛 --Love of Amberl (Hum Ver.) *** SC
117 116 琥珀の愛 --Love of Amberl (Lute Ver.) [THEME olivier's lute] *** SC
118 117 行く手をはばむ鋼の床 --Treacherous Floor [DG Rolent/Grancel sewer, Capua hideout, Varenne Lighthouse] *** SC / 3rd
119 118 俺達カプア一家! --We, the Capua Family! [EVENT] *** SC / 3rd
120 119 To be Suggestive [BT monsters-in-a-box, majuu]
121 120 ピンチ!! --Pinch!! [BT pinch] *** SC / 3rd
122 121 消え行く星 --Fading Star [BT game over][EVENT] *** SC --BT game over
123 122 海港都市ルーアン --Ruan City [PP Ruan] *** SC / 3rd
124 123 組曲「白き花のマドリガル」 姫の悩み --Distress of the Princess
125 124 組曲「白き花のマドリガル」 騎士達の嘆き --Sorrow of the Knights
126 125 組曲「白き花のマドリガル」 それぞれの思惑 --To Each His Expectation
127 126 組曲「白き花のマドリガル」 城 --Castle
128 127 組曲「白き花のマドリガル」 コロシアム --Colosseum
129 128 組曲「白き花のマドリガル」 決闘 --Duel
130 129 組曲「白き花のマドリガル」 姫の死 --Death of the Princess
131 130 組曲「白き花のマドリガル」 大団円 --Finale
132 131 奴を逃がすな! --On the Run! [EVENT] *** 3rd
133 132 リベールの誇り --Pride of Liberl [EVENT] *** SC / 3rd

201 201 忍び寄る危機 --Creeping Crisis [EVENT] *** SC / 3rd
202 202 闇を彷徨う --Into Darkness [DG Malga Mine, Khardea tunnel] *** SC
203 203 工房都市ツァイス --Zeiss City [PP Zeiss] *** SC / 3rd
204 204 黒のオーブメント --Black Orbment [EVENT] *** SC
205 205 暗がりがくれた安らぎ --The Darkness Calm [PP Old School House, Ravennue Village][DG Khardea limestone cave][EVENT]
206 206 レイストン要塞 --The Leiston Fortress [EVENT] *** SC
207 207 暗躍する者たち --Behind the Scenes [EVENT] *** SC
208 208 王都グランセル --Grancel [PP Grancel, Jenis Royal School] *** SC / 3rd
209 209 琥珀の愛 --Love of Amberl (Piano Ver.) [THEME olivier's piano] *** SEN --bgm ver.
210 210 グランアリーナ --Grand Arena [PP Grancel "Grand Arena"] *** 3rd --MiniGame Urabujutsu Taikei
211 211 Challenger Invited [BT tournament] *** SC
212 212 王城 --Royal Castle [PP Grancel Castle] *** SC / 3rd
213 213 奪還 --Rescue [BT guys, Canone][EVENT] *** SC
214 214 銀の意志 --The Silver Will [BT Lawrence, Canone, Richard, last boss #3][EVENT] *** SC / 3rd
215 215 虚ろなる光の封土 --The Fief of a Hollow Light [DG The Sealed Area] *** SC
216 216 Ancient Makes [BT last boss #1] *** SC
217 217 至宝を守護せしモノ --Terrion Keeper [BT last boss #2] *** SC
218 218 賑やかに行こう --Let's Get Lively [EVENT] *** 3rd
219 219 呪縛からの解放、そして… --Released from a Curse, and... [EVENT] *** SC
220 220 星の在り処 --HOSHI NO ARIKA (Harmonica long Ver.)
221 221 告白 --Confession [EVENT] *** SC
222 222 去り行く決意 --Decided to Leave [EVENT] *** SC
223 223 星の在り処 --HOSHI NO ARIKA [STAFF ROLL]
224 224 風を共に舞う気持ち --Feelings in the Wind [TITLE menu][EVENT]
225 ––– 星の在り処 --HOSHI NO ARIKA Full Ver.
226 ––– 星の在り処 --HOSHI NO ARIKA Full Ver. (Less Vocal)
––– 225 空の軌跡 --Sora no Kiseki [BONUS TRACK]


101 ––– 銀の意志 金の翼 --GIN NO ISHI, KIN NO TSUBASA Game Opening Version [OP]
––– 101 銀の意志 金の翼 --GIN NO ISHI, KIN NO TSUBASA
102 102 ル=ロックルへようこそ --Welcome to Le-Locle [PP The Le-Locle Canyon, Lakeside of Valleria] *** 3rd
103 103 Strepitoso Fight [BT]
104 104 Fight with Assailant [BT in le-locle canyon, liber-ark] *** 3rd
105 105 風を共に舞う気持ち --Feelings in the Wind (SC ver.) [EVENT] *** 3rd
106 106 Obstructive Existence [BT monsters-in-a-box, majuu] *** 3rd
107 107 Feeling Danger Nearby [BT pinch]
108 108 空を見上げて --Look Up at the Sky [DG roads][EVENT] *** 3rd
109 109 陰謀 --Conspiracy [EVENT] *** 3rd / AO
110 110 うちひしがれて --Stricken with Grief [EVENT] *** 3rd
111 111 夢幻 --Dream and Illusion [DG Old Shool House, The Fountainhead, Cave of Ancient Dragon][DG The Lakeside Laboratory] *** 3rd
112 112 夢の続き --Dream Goes On [EVENT] *** 3rd
113 113 荒野に潜む影 --Hidden Into the Wilderness [EVENT] *** 3rd
114 114 大いなる畏怖 --Great Fear [BT boss]
115 115 潜入 --Infiltration [DG The Lakeside Laboratory] *** 3rd
116 116 Heartless Surprise Attack [BT] *** 3rd
117 117 飛行戦艦グロリアス --Flying Battleship Glorious [DG The Red Ark "Glorious"][EVENT]
118 118 Etude of the Ruin [EVENT] *** 3rd
119 119 福音計画 --Gospel Project [EVENT]
120 120 ハーメル --Hamel [EVENT]
121 121 迫りくる脅威 --Imminent Menace [BT boss]
122 122 The Fate of The Fairies [BT boss] *** 3rd
123 123 星の在り処 --HOSHI NO ARIKA (Instrumental Ver.) [EVENT]

201 201 隠された真の姿 --Hidden True Form [DG The Another Space of The Tower]
202 202 執行者 --Legion [THEME legion] *** 3rd / AO
203 203 Fateful confrontation [BT blblanc, walter, lucciola, renne]
204 204 解き放たれた至宝 --Terrion Unleashed [EVENT][MOVIE liber-ark]
205 205 灯火が消えた街 --Lights Out [EVENT] *** 3rd
206 ––– 銀の意志 --The Silver Will (Super Arrange Ver.) [BT event][EVENT] *** 3rd
––– 206 銀の意志 --The Silver Will (Evolution Ver.)
207 207 女神の御許へ --In the Presence of the Goddess [MOVIE arseille above liber-ark]
208 208 折られた翼 --Broken Wings [MOVIE arseille crash]
209 209 浮遊都市リベルアーク --Liber-Ark [DG Liber-Ark City "Calmare/Cradle/Factoria Zone"]
210 210 その先を目指して --Ahead Further [DG Liber-Ark]
211 211 中枢塔《アクシスピラー》 --Axis-Piller [DG Axis-Piller]
212 212 雷の穿つ墓標 --Tombstone Hit by Lightning [BT last boss #1] *** 3rd
213 213 惨劇の真相 --Tragic Truth [EVENT]
214 214 Outskirts of Evolution [BT last boss #2]
215 215 The Merciless Savior [BT last boss #3]
216 216 仲間の元へ --To One's Friends [EVENT]
217 217 希望の行方 --Whereabouts of Hope [MOVIE liber-ark crash]
218 218 絆の在り処 --Where the Bonds are [EVENT] *** 3rd
219 219 I swear... [STAFF ROLL] *** SEN
220 220 Shine of Eidos ~空の軌跡~ / ~Sora no Kiseki~ [TITLE screen]
221 ––– 銀の意志 金の翼 --GIN NO ISHI, KIN NO TSUBASA

SORA NO KISEKI FC & SC Super Arrange Version [DISC 2 only]

201 Dive into your fate (Instrumental Ver.)
202 Maybe it was fated (Instrumental Ver.) *** the 3rd --BT lucciola, blblanc, walter
203 Missin' (Instrumental Ver.)
204 琥珀の愛 --Love of Amberl (Piano Full Ver.)
205 銀の意志 金の翼 --Gin no Ishi, Kin no Tsubasa (Instrumental Ver.)
206 Lumiere dans Dedale (Instrumental Ver.)
207 大いなる畏怖 --Great Fear
208 I swear... (Instrumental Ver.)
209 空を見上げて --Look Up at the Sky (Instrumental Ver.)
210 執行者 --Legion *** SEN IV
211 Place of a promise ~空の軌跡~ / ~Sora no Kiseki~
212 銀の意志 --The Silver Will (Preview Ver.) *** FC --preview of SC

SORA NO KISEKI the 3rd / SORA NO KISEKI the 3rd EVOLUTION Details Lyrics

101 101 Cry for me, cry for you [OP] *** SEN
102 102 飛行客船ルシタニア号 --Luxury Airship "Lusitania" [PP lusitania]
103 103 強襲 --Maraud [EVENT]
104 104 始まりの地 --Singularity of the Origin [PP grancel church, the chamber of moon/star/sun]
105 105 レクルスの方石 --The Arca of Recluse [DG the back in the mirror in ch.6-2][EVENT]
106 106 招かれざる者 --Unbidden [EVENT]
107 107 Fighting Right On [BT]
108 108 これが真の実力や! --Call it Power! [BT victory]
109 109 隠者の庭園 --The Garden of Recluse [PP the garden of recluse][EVENT]
110 110 翡翠回廊 --The Circular Corridor [DG the circular corridor in ch.1]
111 111 Determination of Fight [BT]
112 112 Close to the Brink [BT pinch]
113 113 Genuine Devil [BT vs devils]
114 114 女神よ、お慈悲を… --Miserere mei, Dea [BT game over]
115 115 想いの眠るゆりかご --Lie of Feelings [EVENT]
116 116 異界 --Otherworld [DG grancel in ch.2, le-locle in ch.4]
117 117 宵闇の王城 --Twilighted Castle [DG grancel castle in ch.2,6]
118 118 君を忘れてた --Felt Left Out [THEME gilbert]
119 119 金の道、銀の道 --Golden Road & Silvery Road [DG golden road, silvery road in ch.3]
120 120 大切なもの --Significant Other [EVENT]
121 121 幻影の蒼い花 --Phantom Blue Flower [DG balstar channel in ch.4-1, the back in the mirror in ch.6-2]
122 122 動かぬ世界 --Halcyon Demesne [DG saint-croix forest in ch.4-2, colorless school in ch.6-1]
123 123 虎穴に入りて虎児を得よ --No Pain No Gain [DG grimsel fortress in ch.4-3, impregnable fortress in ch.6-3]
124 124 The Crimson Stigma [BT astarte, the abyss boss]
125 125 影の王 --The Lord of Phantasma [THEME schwarzritter, the lord of phantasma]
201 126 光と影の迷宮 --Labyrinth of Lights [DG the brilliant labyrinth in ch.5]
202 127 黒の方舟 --The Black Ark [DG the black ark in ch.6-4-1]
203 128 紫苑の家 --Aster House [EVENT]

204 201 追憶 --Anamnesis [THEME memories]
205 202 煉獄への階段 --Stairs to Gehenna [DG farewell arena in ch.6-4-2, gehenna in ch.7][EVENT]
206 203 深淵 --The Abyss [DG the abyss in ch.8][EVENT]
207 204 Masquerade of Lies [BT gehenna boss, in the abyss][EVENT]
208 205 最後の選択 --Final Choice [PP the garden of recluse in ch.8][EVENT] *** SEN / SEN II
209 206 Overdosing Heavenly Bliss [BT astarte event, philip, kirika, weismann, pom the tempest][EVENT]
210 207 荒野にそびえし威容 --Into the Wilderness [MOVIE phantasmagoria in sight]
211 208 幻影城《Phantasmagoria》 --Phantasmagoria [DG phantasmagoria]
212 209 御心のままに --By the will of God [EVENT] *** SEN IV
213 210 Cry for your Eternity [EVENT]
214 211 Banquet of frenzy [BT phantasmagoria boss]
215 212 夢と喧騒の聖地 --Oneiric Sanctum [BT vs anima mundi]
216 213 またいつか会うために --See you next time [Epilogue]
217 214 空を見上げて --SORA WO MIAGETE Ending version [ED staff roll]
218 215 仄かに煌く光 --Lightly Lit Light [TITLE menu]
219 216 山猫号反攻作戦 --Yamaneko Strikes Back [MiniGame "yamaneko capua no tokkyuubin"]
220 217 爆釣王よ永遠に --Forever a Fisherman [MiniGame "bakuchou densetsu"]
221 218 Till the Night of Glory [BT in MiniGame "urabujutsu taikai"]
222 219 女神の機嫌は時の運 --The Goddess Deals the Cards [MiniGame "the casino ~tobakushi jack~"][EVENT]
223 220 空の謎は軌跡でポン! --Kiseki de Pon! [MiniGame "kiseki de pon"]
224 221 Cry for me, cry for you